Piled Pebbles Outdoors

Find your balance again

Individual and Group Coaching now available!

Does this sound like you?

  • You have found yourself job-hopping over the years after repeated episodes of burnout, trying to find that one true job that provides work-life balance and personal fulfillment

  • After several years of living through a pandemic, you are exhausted from work, constantly feeling the "Sunday scaries" and dread coming to work each day. The idea of changing jobs doesn't seem like the answer either.

  • A lot of your normal clothes have your company logos on them, you feel like you sold your soul to work for this company or salary, and you have lost touch with who you are.

  • You are on the r/antiwork Reddit thread all of the time, with overwhelmingly cynical views about work in general.

  • You are wondering when life will actually start to slow down, because it never seems to. Busyness never ends.

  • You used to be a high achieving individual, but now you have run out of fuel. You don't get accomplished what you used to, and you're wondering if you will ever get back to that place.

Don't Worry!

Burnout happens to everyone.

But we get it, after multiple times, the story gets a little old. How do you stop the cycle?

If you are tired of burning out, let the Center for Burnout Recovery & Prevention help you!

Woman in White Shirt and Black Shorts Jumping on Brown Sand

For Individuals

Pink Cosmetic Tube on Brown Fabric
People on a Video Call


1:1 Coaching

Support Group Concept


Burnout Bootcamp

Person Working on the Desk


Self-Guided Class

Virtual 1:1 Coaching offers the chance for you to target and action on specific areas related to burnout.

Coaching sessions are sold in packages and require at least a one month commitment.

Burnout Bootcamp is a 12 week program that offers a unique opportunity to take our self-guided class on burnout recovery and prevention, meeting weekly with a group of like-minded peers and your coach to share ideas and get support, and 3 1:1 sessions with your coach.

Our self-guided class provides your with a series of educational lectures and interactive exercises to help you build your toolkit against burnout.

Class modules are available for you at any time after purchase to go at your own pace!

Dr. Candice Schaefer

Your Coach


Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Certified Coach


Former Program Manager and Director at Twitter and Facebook, former Burnout Frequent Flyer and ex-Workaholic


Conference Speaker, Group Facilitator, Adjunct NYU Professor

Let's Chat

Book a 1:1 with Dr. Schaefer to learn more about our programs and what would work best for you!

Click here to schedule your appointment




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